Configuration File

The configuration file sets important variables for the application. Let’s go over each of them.

The admin may change most of these options from the settings.
  • email
    • from: The email address of your SendGrid account. Default: "".
    • sendGridAPIKey: Your SendGrid API key. The free tier should be sufficient for your needs. Default: "".
  • integrations
    • azureDocumentIntelligence
      • key: The KEY 1 variable displayed in the Keys and endpoint tab of your Azure AI Document Intelligence resource in the Azure Portal. Default: "".
      • endpoint: The Endpoint variable displayed in the Keys and endpoint tab of your Document Intelligence resource in the Azure Portal. Default: "".
  • server
    • autologin: Whether to login automatically into the application. Useful when you don’t need user accounts. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • isDemo: Whether the app is a demo version. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • isProduction: Whether the app is in production. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • noSignups: Whether to disable user account registrations. Set to true when you don’t want people to create accounts. Default: false.
    • port: The port the app will be served through if localhost. Is required.
    • url: The website the app is served on. This URL will serve as the base link in the emails. Default: